Friday, May 18, 2012

Panfletos y Postales

(making a brochure)

Las postales pueden crearse para casi cada capítulo usando la cultura, el vocabulario y la gramática aplicados al país estudiado. Por ejemplo, en el capítulo 4 del nivel 1.
Argentina, el tango, el tiempo y lo que estás haciendo (presente progresivo)

Warm up activities

(Spanish 3-4)
Let the crying begin? Maybe this is the thought on the minds of some of your students.
Pass around a role of toilet paper. Tell students to take as much as they think that they will
need. For each piece of toilet paper they have, they must tell the class something about
themselves in Spanish.
Let the cat out of the bag! Students must bring a paper bag to class that contains at least three
items that are important to them. They will explain the importance of each item to the class
in the target language.

• If you could, would you…? Each student is given a card with an “If…/then…” situation.
They must complete the situations in the target language and share them with the class

(Todos/ likes and dislikes)
So many faces, so many names. Take pictures of your students. If you take digital images, youcan put them in a PowerPoint presentation. Use the PowerPoint to review names. Later in the week you can use the PowerPoint to give a name quiz. Students will be tested on the names of their classmates.
Match ‘Em Up Quickly
Cut index cards in half and put them in pairs, based on the number of students you have in your
largest class. At the beginning of class, count how many students are present. Create that many pairs of
cards and distribute them. Students should circulate around the room asking questions in Spanish to find
their partners. 
They should quickly find two desks together and sit down. Offer a prize to the first pair.
 Once students get in the habit of finding partners, they will move more quickly and
efficiently. Collect the cards in pairs once the activity has begun. Circulate around the room after giving
instructions. Use odd-numbered students to help you monitor the pairs or make a group of three. Possible
partner-fi nding questions:
¿Quién está en la cocina?  La abuela está en la cocina or ¿Quién tiene_____? Tengo ______.

1. Use stickers or photos of vocabulary that students need to know. Students match picture
to picture, or picture to Spanish
2. Use countries and their capitals (for example, Tegucigalpa with Honduras or Lima with Peru).
3. Use opposites (for example, alto with bajo or contento with triste).
4. Use numerals and numbers spelled out (for example, un mil with 1.000 or ochenta y ocho with 88)

A Month’s Worth of Partners
Get students up and moving while they schedule partners for several weeks. Students refer to their
organizational partner sheet for a few weeks at a time. Find blackline masters of these organizers and
others at
1. Teacher distributes organizational sheets of paper. Students write their names on the paper.
2. Teacher assigns a student to fill out sheets for students who are absent.
3. Students are told that they need to find a certain number of partners. They cannot repeat partners.
4. Students brainstorm possible questions that can be asked.
5. The partner finding begins. Students use the target language to secure partners. Each partner writes his/her name on the same day, hour, city, and so on, as indicated with each activity.
6. Teacher circulates making sure students stay on task and helps all students match up times.
7. Teacher ends activity when most students have filled their organizational sheets. At the end of the activity, it might be necessary to have a group scheduling session to fi ll open times.
8. Teacher conducts fi rst activity and collects organizational pieces of paper. The teacher should make copies of the pages just in case a sheet gets lost. Students may keep papers after next activity.

Partner of the day. Students receive an index card on which they write the days of the week down the
left-hand side starting with el domingo. Students fi nd partners for each day of the week, asking ¿Quieres
bailar conmigo el lunes? ¿Tienes planes el martes? ¿Estás libre el miércoles? (To utilize non-school days, the teacher announces that students should use their Saturday and Sunday partners and pretend that it’s already the weekend.)
12 meetings. The teacher distributes a clock face. Students set up meetings at every hour of the day.
Possible questions: ¿Estás ocupado/a a la una? Estoylibre a las 4. ¿Te gustaría reuinirte?
Traveling the world. The teacher distributes a map of Central America. Students set up meeting
locations with their partners. For example, ¿Tegustaría ir a Tegucigalpa? ¿Quieres visitar la capital de
Nicaragua conmigo?
Inner/outer circles. Get students up and moving with this fast-paced question and answer activity.
Create 10-15 open- or closed-ended questions for students to answer. Have students fi nd a partner.
Partners should face each other, one member in the inside circle, the other partner in the outside circle.
The teacher asks a question and gives 30 seconds for each partner to answer. Students refrain from
talking after they are fi nished answering or until the teacher cues for silence. The teacher directs the
outer circle to move one person to the right while the inner circle remains in place. The teacher asks a new question, each student answers his/her new partner, and the outer circle rotates one student to the right while the inner circle remains in the same place. Once students get used to the circles, they move into formation quickly. They also become accustomed to listening for the teacher silence cue and the next
question. Mix it up by directing the inner circle to move one person to the left.
• Beginning on the fi rst day of class, speak Spanish as much as possible. Use gestures and act out
expressions to convey meaning so that you and your students avoid overusing English. It can
be challenging at fi rst, but your students will follow your lead as you strive to use Spanish as the
primary means of communication.
• Encourage students to respond to directions and give answers in Spanish. Encourage them to use
only Spanish with you and with their classmates.
• Point out that the more students use Spanish, the more natural it will become as a means of

Student Survival
Estuve ausente. I was absent.
Necesito ayuda. I need help.
No comprendo/entiendo. I don’t understand.
No recuerdo. I don’t remember.
No sé. I don’t know.
No tengo la tarea. I have the homework.
Necesito… I need…
un lápiz. a pencil.
un bolígrafo. a pen.
el papel. A piece of paper.
la tarea. the homework assignment.
Necesito ir al enfermero/a. I need to go to the nurse.
Necesito ver a mi consejero/a. I need to see my counselor.
¿Puedo usar el teléfono? May I use the telephone?
¿Puedo ir al baño? May I go to the restroom?
Se me olvidó. I forgot. (Literally, it forgot me.)
Tengo una pregunta. I have a question.
Gentle Reminders
Continúa/Sigue (Continúen Uds./Sigan Uds.). Continue.
Piensa (Piensen Uds.). Think.
Presta (Presten Uds.) atención a... Pay attention to…
Recuerda (Recuerden Uds.). Remember.
Trata (Traten Uds.). Try.
Listening and Speaking
¿Alguien? Anyone?
Contesta/Responde (Contesten./Responden). Answer.
Cuenta (Cuenten.)... Tell (a story)…
Dime (Díganme)… Tell me…
Escucha (Escuchen.). Listen.
Habla (Hablen) en español. Speak Spanish.
Lee (Lean)…en voz alta. Read…aloud.
Levanta (Levanten) la mano (para contestar). Raise your hand (to answer).
Oye (Oigan ). Listen.
Más alto/bajo. Louder. / Softer.
Pronuncia (Pronuncien )… Pronounce…
Repite (Repitan ). Repeat.
Silencio. Silence.
Otra vez. Again.
Todos juntos. Everyone together
Moving and Doing
Abre (Abran Uds.) el libro/cuaderno en la página... Open your book/workbook to page…
Apunta/Señala (Apunten Uds./Señalen Uds.)... Point at…
Borra (Borren Uds.) la pizarra. Erase the board.
Cierra (Cierren Uds.) el libro/cuaderno. Close your book/workbook.
Copia (Copien Uds.)... Copy…
Da (Den Uds.) la vuelta. Turn around.
Dibuja (Dibujen Uds.)... Draw…
Levántate (Levántense Uds.). Stand up.
Llévate (Llévense Uds.)... Carry/bring…
Pasa (Pasen Uds.) a la pizarra. Go to the board.
Pon (Pongan Uds.)… Put…
Quita (Quiten Uds.) todo de encima de sus pupitres. Clear your desks.
Recoge (Recojan Uds.)… Pick up…
Saca (Saquen Uds.) una hoja de papel/un bolígrafo.Take out a piece of paper/pen
Siéntate (Siéntense Uds.). Sit down.
Toca (Toquen Uds.)... Touch…
Trae (Traigan Uds.)… Bring…
Ve (Vayan Uds.) a… Go…
Ven (Vengan Uds.) aquí. Come here.
Activity Directions
Empieza (Empiecen Uds.) ahora. Begin now…
Entrégame (Entréguenme Uds.) la tarea. Turn in the homework.
Escoge (Escojan Uds.)… Choose…
Escribe (Escriban Uds.)… Write…
Escribe (Escriban Uds.) a máquina… Type…
Estudia (Estudien Uds.)… Study…
Inserta (Inserten Uds.) el CD en la computadora. Insert the CD in the computer.
Mira (Miren Uds.)… Look…
Para mañana… For tomorrow…
Revisa (Revisen Uds.)… Check over…
Pair and Group Work
Formen Uds. grupos de... Form groups of… (# of students)
Para (Paren Uds.). Stop.
Trabajen Uds. en parejas en... Work in groups of… (# of students)
¿Cómo se dice…(en español)? How do you say…in Spanish?
¿Cómo se escribe…? How do you spell…?
¿Hay preguntas? Are there any questions?
¿Qué quiere decir…? What does…mean?
¿Quién sabe (la respuesta)? Who knows (the answer)?
Bien hecho. Well done.
Fabuloso. Fabulous.
Muy bien. Very good.
Excelente. Excellent.

Juegos  (Ver p.TE43 (Book 3) para mas ideas)

This game reinforces correct verb conjugation and encourages peer editing.
Create a list of infinitives with subjects and the word Caramba five times. Print the sheet, cut it into pieces and place the pieces in an envelope. Have students form groups and give each group an envelope. Have students take turns pulling out a verb to conjugate. If they conjugate the verb correctly, they get to keep the paper and earn one point. If they do not conjugate the verb correctly, they do not get a point and they should put the paper back in the envelope. If students pull out the word Caramba, they lose all of their points. Encourage students to self-correct or correct each other while playing Caramba.